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Day 5 - Clear Creek to Phantom Ranch

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In the morning when I uncovered my trash there were little pieces of plastic and foil everywhere. It took a while to clean up this mess but clean it up I did. Aside from that it looked to be another perfect day. I knew what the hike back to Phantom was going to be like and how long it would take so I took my time getting ready to leave Clear Creek. This would be my last day of peace and quite. Phantom Ranch would seem like a city after this and Bright Angel Trail would be like a Los Angeles freeway. A visit to Clear Creek gives you an idea of what the Phantom Ranch area must have looked like before the white man moved in. I don't give a damn about whether that statement is politically correct or not. I finally left Clear Creek around 8:30 and headed back up the canyon to pick up the trail.

The hike back to Phantom was uneventful. I didn't have any problems until the final descent from the Phantom overlook to the canyon floor but then that blister started to feel it. I did meet a couple along the trail who claimed to be day hiking to Clear Creek. I told them that they would never make it there and back before dark but they seemed determined. It is a good trail for a day hike regardless of whether you actually get to Clear Creek, but getting there and having to immediately turn around and leave would be unthinkable.

I was back at Phantom by around 3:00 and had plenty of time to kill before diner. Tonight I would be at the second seating for the Stew dinner. After setting up camp I took a walk down to the river to just sit and watch the water flow by and think.

Dinner that night was awesome as usual. I have never been disappointed with the food at Phantom. One of the best things is that they always have chocolate cake for dessert and plenty of really good coffee to wash it down. I went back to the cantina after dinner for the social gathering that happens there every evening and got to talking with some very nice people about Canyon stuff. I didn't stay too long as I wanted a good nights sleep for the hike out the next day.

Clear Creek Trail, descent to Clear Creek

Colorado River, bridges

Phantom Ranch from the Phantom Overlook

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