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Trip Report - November/December, 1993 - Grandview, Tonto, South Kaibab, Clear Creek, Bright Angel

This trip has been my favorite solo hike to-date. Of course this could simply be because it was my last solo hike. The trek along the Tonto Trail from Cottonwood Creek to its junction with the South Kaibab Trail at The Tipoff was wonderful. For two days, from the time I left Horseshoe Mesa until I arrived at Bright Angel Campground, I did not see another soul. Even better, not a single helicopter. This is the kind of backcountry experience I live for at the Canyon.

This section of the Tonto seems to go on forever because of some major side canyons that you need to go around. I took only two days to go from Cottonwood Creek to Bright Angel Campground and I probably could have used three easily. The hike along the Clear Creek Trail on the other side of the river was very enjoyable because I was able to look back across at the Tonto and see the trip that I had done just a couple days before. I highly recommend this route for a multi-day hike, even if you leave off the side trip to Phantom Ranch and Clear Creek.

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Day 1 - Grandview Point to Cottonwood Creek
Day 2 - Cottonwood Creek to Lonetree Canyon
Day 3 - Lonetree Canyon to Phantom Ranch
Day 4 - Phantom Ranch to Clear Creek
Day 5 - Clear Creek to Phantom Ranch
Day 6 - Phantom Ranch to Bright Angel Trailhead
Day 7 - On the rim

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Copyright © Bob Ribokas, 1994-2025, all rights reserved. This publication and its text and photos may not be copied for commercial use without the express written permission of Bob Ribokas.