Trip Report - Directions to Monument Point |
To get to Monument Point you first need to get to the the town/village/hamlet(?) of Jacob Lake, Arizona which is located about 30 miles north of the north rim. If you will be coming from the south (Grand Canyon south rim, Phoenix, Flagstaff) you need to get onto route US-89 north and take that to its alternate US-89A, which splits off from the main route just south of Page, Arizona. This road will then take you into Jacob Lake. To get to US-89 from Grand Canyon south rim, take the Desert View Drive (AZ-64) to Desert View, exit the park and continue eastward towards Cameron, Arizona.
From Jacob Lake head south on AZ-67 for approximately 1/4 mile and take a right at the sign for the Jacob Lake R. V. Park. This is Forest Service Road FR-461. All mileages listed here are from the point you turn onto FR-461. Follow signs that lead you fi rst toward Big Springs and then Thunder River.
See Trip report : May, 1995 - Bill Hall, Thunder River, Deer Creek