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Trip Report - October, 2008 - Ottoman Amphitheatre

This was primarily a second attempt at Deva Temple, which was yet another failure. I give up on Deva, I just can't seem to camp close enough to make it to the top and back to camp in one day.

I did not make it to the top of Deva Temple but I did get further than I did last time. I not only made it up the Redwall ravine but I also made it to the Brahma-Deva saddle... which had some awesome views in its own right. I just ran into a wall and was completely exhausted when I got that far. I rested and regained my strength but by that time I knew there was no chance of getting to the top of Deva and back to camp before dark. If I do decided to ever attempt this again I would use the same plan of camping at the spring but do it during mid or late spring when the days are longer.

On my other layover day I did a short hike down the wash to the pour-off into Clear Creek. From there I went over to lower Obi Canyon. I was hoping to get to the Clear Creek pour-off there but the steep canyon walls prevented me from getting to the bed at all.

On the way back to Sumner Wash I also stopped for an extended lunch break in Zoroaster Canyon and hiked that down to its first major pour-off. That was not part of the plan but when I stopped there for lunch and saw all of the wonderful pink granite I just could not resist following the bed.

The trip highlights...

Larger version (2000x1863) camera Photo map

Day 1 - South Kaibab Trailhead to Demaray Point
Day 2 - Demaray Point to Brahma-Deva Spring
Day 3 - Deva Temple day hike
Day 4 - Obi Canyon day hike
Day 5 - Clear Creek Trail back to Sumner Wash
Day 6 - Hiking out

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