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Day 7 - Overhang Camp to Phantom Creek Overlook

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06:00 - Overhang Camp

It was a very chilly night and it is still a bit on the cold side this morning. I lay here feeling warm and cozy in my sleeping bag, watching the sunrise on the cliffs, listening to the creek, to the wind in the trees, to the Canyon Wrens...

06:30 - Overhang Camp

Finally forced myself to get up. Need to pack up and head back down Phantom Creek. Will hang out above the gorge during the morning and early afternoon and then head up to Utah Flats for the night.

08:30 - Overhang Camp

Out of camp. Sweep it clean with a dried yucca stalk and take some parting photos.

09:15 - Phantom Creek

Getting closer to trail but not quite there yet. Clouds building on north rim. Thin yet but who knows... Found a spot with sun and shade to rest in and try to recharge Jornada. No hurry to get anywhere today - I have plenty of time to get to camp.

09:45 - Phantom Creek

Follow Phantom Creek downstream to look at falls. People climbed up this?! With a log?! Is this the same falls? Bolt in rock and cable attached to it but only a loop of cable a couple of feet long. Take some photos and head back. Found a route (cairn) leading up. Bypass around falls I assume. Climb up a ways. Nice view of falls. Dont want to go further - no food or water with me. Head back to gear. Jornada still only 50% power. This could take a while. Still plenty of sun though.

12:30 - Phantom Creek

Just lounging around by the creek bed and chilling. Beautiful day, warm in the sun and cool in the shade. Chilly wind blowing around and looks stormy on the north rim. South rim has puffy white clouds. Watched a pair (mated?) of lizards feeding by the creek. Actually saw them cach a couple of flies, They stalk like cats and tails start to thrash from side to side right before they pounce. Very interesting. Took some photos of them. Ate lunch at noon. Moved to a shadier spot around 11:00. Starting to loose the shade now here as well. Will hang out here until 14:00 or so and then start the climb back up to the flats. Will camp at the same spot that Robin and I used in December 1998. Jornada messing with me - green light keeps coming on saying it is fully charged but when I check the power level it isnt. Found a split in th trail that I never noticed before and cairns leading up. Decide to follow it a ways and se where it goes. Looks like another way up to Utah Flats - heading in the right direction. Looks like a better trail as well. Will give it a try on the way out. Purify some water - dry camp tonight.

14:00 - Phantom Creek

Head out. Trail is much better than the one further down the creek. The other one must be used by people hiking back down Phantom Creek to Bright Angel Creek.

14:15 - Utah Flats Route

Trail levels out, starts to contour.

14:30 - Utah Flats Route

Starting up again.

14:45 - Utah Flats Route

Top - mostly level trail from here on.

15:00 - Utah Flats Route

Good view of Phantom Canyon. Can see the huge boulder that I spent the day resting under.

15:25 - Utah Flats Route

Found campsite. Search for rocks to anchor the tent. Sky still looks gloomy from time to time so I put on the rain fly as well. Mix up stuffing and turkey for dinner. Set out Jornada again to try and get a full charge. Magnificenet views from up here. Search out some shade.

17:00 - Utah Flats Route

Back at camp to eat dinner. Food is warm but sun is gone and wind is blowing. Brief rain shower blows through just as I am cleaning up from dinner. Retreat to tent. Doesnt last long but wind really howls and shakes the tent around. Go out for a while after. Brush teeth and get ready to retreat for the night.

Last view from camp

Resting above Phantom Narrows

Waterfall and chockstone in Phantom Narrows

Lizard along Phantom Creek

Camp near Utah Flats

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