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Day 5 - Kolb Arch day hike

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

06:50 am - Kolb Arch day hike

I am in the drainage leading up to the arch, maybe a quarter mile away from Nankoweap Creek. I left camp at 545 and it took a long time to get to the split, more than half an hour to go less then half a mile. This drainage is dry except for some water from a spring just above Nankoweap Creek. That creates a walled in pool that I had to leave the bed and fight scrub oak and manzanita to get around. Manzanita ain't so pretty when you have to fight your way through it, even if it is flowering.

11:40 am - Kolb Arch day hike

I am at the arch, sitting in some shade right below it. I got here at 1050, so about 5 hours from camp. It's probably going to take at least that long going back. I am going to have lunch here and start back at 1230. Hopefully I will be back at camp by 530, 6... 7 at the latest. I am supposed to call Robin at 7 to check-in and would like to be back at camp to do that but I have the satellite phone with me.

The arch is glorious, more magnificent than I could have ever imagined. Sitting here beneath its span I can definitely say it was worth the trip. Being here at least makes up for botching the Nankoweap Mesa hike. At least I am hitting some of my goals for this trip. With any luck that will be the only one I miss.

I am not looking forward to the hike back. The top part of this route has some climbing around falls to bypass, nothing major but still going down is always harder. The little stretch between the two falls above the creek seemed harder than it needed to be as well. And then there's the descent back to the creek bed after the falls. That's the hardest part. Ah, well, I should put some more food in me.

03:20 pm - Kolb Arch day hike

I am back in the lower creek bed. I got down here at 305 but have been looking for the perfect spot of shade to stop and rest a while. I left Kolb Arch at 1235 and got to the falls at 145 and rested there until 2. From here it should be pretty easy to camp.

07:20 pm - Back in camp

I got back to camp at 530 and have been doing "camp stuff" since. I actually washed my hair tonight and, man, did that feel good. I still feel pretty grungy at this point and can't wait for that nice hot shower on Saturday.

I still can't get over how beautiful Kolb Arch was. I've read about it and have seen a few pictures but nothing but seeing it for real can do it justice. I had an absolutely beautiful day for going up there too.

I had a bee invade my camp again tonight---it happened second night at lower Nankoweap Creek camp too. It kept buzzing around the tent chasing any other bee or flying insect that came by away. Luckily it leaves when it starts to get dark.

I called Robin tonight to check-in but the satellite phone is giving me problems. It took 4 attempts to connect and then gave me a low battery warning after less than 2 minutes. I've only used the thing less than 7 minutes total. I had to cut tonight's call short just in case I really need this thing for an emergency.

Tomorrow should be pretty straight-forward---3 miles over to Marion-Seiber camp and then 3 miles roundtrip up to Mystic Falls and the ruins. I hope there is water in the creek over there. Kolb Arch Creek was bone dry except for that little area with the spring in the lower part. Good thing I changed my mind about camping up there.

Approaching Mount Hayden on the Kolb Arch dayhike

First view of Kolb Arch

View down canyon from above the falls

Closing in on Kolb Arch

Kolb Arch from below

View down canyon from Kolb Arch

View from camp along upper Nankoweap Creek

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