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Day 4 - Bright Angel campground to Overhang Camp

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05:00 - Bright Angel Campground

Slept very good. Woke a couple of times during the night but managed to fall right back asleep. Start packing up gear. Head over to ranch to use bathroom (much cleaner than the one at the campground).

06:10 - Bright Angel Campgound

Start up the Banzai Route to Utah Flats. Rough, steeper than I remember. Different route this time - got to the cliff that we missed last time. Nasty little ledge to get by. Only a few inches wide and about 2 feet long - good handholds though. Would be a lot easier without the huge pack.

06:50 - Utah Flats Route

At top of first section. Have breakfast and rest until 730. My legs are screaming.

07:30 - Utah Flats Route

Start up to Piano Alley. At base of Tapeats cliff (south side) at 8:05. Stopped to take a photo before this - nice view of all rock layers from Vishnu up to Kaibab.

08:30 - Utah Flats Route

Finally up on Utah Flats. Pick my way across - easier than last time - need to come out of the drainage on the north side. Contour around drainage on other side, east of ridge. Come to cactus garden. It is beautiful this time of year, hedgehog and beavertail both in bloom with bright lavendar flowers. Yellow flowers of some type as well make for a nice contrast.

09:00 - Utah Flats

On the other side of the flats and start to climb some more. Trail is very indistinct and difficult to follow. Lost it a number of times and ended up too high. Finally found it down lower with the help of some cairns. Cactus giving way to grass, yucca, Maripose lilies and orange monkey flower. There are flowers everywhere.

09:30 - Utah Flats Route

Rest in a shady patch behind a boulder. Good view of mid section of Phantom Creek.

09:45 - Utah Flats Route

Trail gets easier to follow after crossing first drainage. Contour below Isis/Cheops saddle. Start to descend right below Isis.

10:10 - Utah Flats Route

Start down. Steep and rocky at top, then contours to the north a little, then rocky again(loose) but not as steep.

10:35 - Phantom Creek

At Phantom Creek. Lots of water - going to be difficult to cross. Go upstream on west bank and find a place to cross. Nice shady spot on the other side.

10:45 - Phantom Creek

Stop and rest for a couple of hours, until almost 13:00. Continue upstream to Haunted Canyon junction this afternoon. Rinse out t-shirt, wade in creek, take a sponge bath (water feels delightful). Eat lunch at noon.

13:45 - Overhang Camp

At the Overhang Camp. A couple of creek crossings but no big deal. Most of the trail is on the west side of the creek. It crosses it a couple of times when one side cliffs out at the creek bed. Have camp established by just a little after 15:00. Will stay here through Thursday at least, maybe until Friday, not sure yet. Water is purified, Jornada is charging - nothing much to do until dinner time.

17:00 - Overhang Camp

Back at camp for dinner. Get hots dogs - nice and warm - heated them between rocks. Cut up some onion to go with them. Pretty good dinner. Clean up and go sit by creek for a while.

18:00 - Overhang Camp

Back to tent. Lay down for a while and wait for dark. Update journal. Read for a little while.

Heading up Piano Alley to Utah Flats

Frog along Phantom Creek

Looking upstream along Phantom Creek toward Haunted Canyon

The Overhang Camp... home for 3 nights

Dragonfly along Phantom Creek

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Copyright © Bob Ribokas, 1994-2025, all rights reserved. This publication and its text and photos may not be copied for commercial use without the express written permission of Bob Ribokas.