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Day 4 - Early Morning Hike & Museum of Northern Arizona

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Early Morning Hike

On our last day at the Canyon we decided go to for another early morning hike. On the prior day (after the wasp ordeal) I spotted a trail that I had never noticed before that leaves the Bright Angel Trail from the western most switchback near the top of the trail, in the Toroweap formation. I walked out along it a short way and it appeared to go on for quite a distance. When I asked one of the rangers about it later that day she said she was not sure but that it may go all the way to Hermit's Rest. We walked out along it for a good distance and it does get a lot rougher the further you go. We got close to but did not quite make it to just below Maricopa Point. We did get to see another magnificent sunrise though.

Breakfast at Bright Angel Restaurant

After we finished our little morning hike and cleaned up, we headed over to the Bright Angel Restaurant for breakfast. I had the country breakfast, which is way too much food but very good, and Robin had banana bread French toast.

Museum of Northern Arizona

Following breakfast we checked out of our rooms and headed back south. I made a quick stop at the first viewpoint out on the Desert View Drive to take some photos for a panorama and then we left the park and headed for Flagstaff. We stopped there to visit the Museum of Northern Arizona, which Robin had not been to since they completed their remodelling project a couple of years ago.

Sunrise from trail in Toroweap Formation just off of Bright Angel Trail

Early morning sun and haze

Bright Angel Restaurant

The Battleship from patio of Bright Angel Lodge

Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff

Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff

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