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Day 3 - Indian Garden to Bright Angel campground

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04:30 - Indian Garden

Hike out to Plateau Point to see sunrise. Beautiful morning. Breezy but not too cold. Still glad that I put on long pants. Get occasional chill while sitting out at Plateau Point. Got out there by about 5:10, sunrise not until 5:38. Beautiful sunrise. Stay out there until after 6:00 watching shadows and light on cliffs.

06:45 - Indian Garden

Back at ranger station. Oatmeal with bananas for breakfast. Start packing up gear and manage to get everything inside including day pack. Help Chuck with some cleaning as he has to head out today as well and does not like to leave the place dirty.

10:10 - Bright Angel Trail

Start out for Bright Angel Campground.

10:45 - Bright Angel Trail

Top of Devils Corkscrew.

11:05 - Bright Angel Trail

Bottom of Devils Corkscrew.

11:25 - Bright Angel Trail

River resthouse. Rest until 11:40 and finish off rest of open package of jerky.

12:10 - Colorado River

Cross Silver Suspension Bridge.

12:20 - Bright Angel Campground

Have camp setup by 13:00 and head over to Phantom Ranch. Get lemonade and eat lunch - beef stick, rye bread with mustard.

14:00 - Bright Angel Campground

Back to camp for a little while. Check bulletin board for ranger programs. One at 16:00 and another at 19:30, both by Keith Green.

16:00 - Phantom Ranch

Ranger program about how water is important to life in the Canyon.

17:00 - Bright Angel Campground

Back to camp for dinner: chicken salad on pita with Pringles.

19:30 - Phantom Ranch

Ranger program about stories from Phantom Ranch, one that I have always wanted to see. Met a nice couple from Kentucky (Sue & ?).

20:10 - Phantom Ranch

Go to beer hall at canteen after second program and meet a nice couple from Germany.

Sunrise on the south rim from Plateau Point

Yuccas, Colorado River, bridges, Zoroaster Termple

Lizard at Phantom Ranch

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Copyright © Bob Ribokas, 1994-2025, all rights reserved. This publication and its text and photos may not be copied for commercial use without the express written permission of Bob Ribokas.