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Day 3 - Esplanade to Overlook of the Confluence

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05:00 - South Bass Trail junction

Very good nights sleep - feel very rested. Pack up and eat a quick breakfast.

06:35 - South Bass Trail junction

Start out.

07:15 - South Bass Trail

John having problems with hike out. Only gets about halfway and Mike tells him to leave his pack f that will make it easier. He does. Mike takes off for rim and will come back for Johns pack. Take time to look for the hiking pole tip I lost on the hike down. Find it after about 10 minutes of searching. Stop for a while at ruin to take some more photos. Meet Mike on the way back down for Johns pack.

08:45 - South Bass trailhead

Mike comes out again, with Johns pack. Take some photos around rim. Head back into village. Find way around Havasupai road block and toll.

11:30 - Grand Canyon Village

Get back to village and head for showers. Closed - go eat first and come back. Mike talks about plan after showers. Wants to go over to Navajo reservation to look at Little Colorado River and check out Walter Powell route to rim. Camp on reservation tonight. Stop at Grandview Point and Desert View along the way. John rides with me. Leave my car at Mary and Rob Simpsons in Cameron and continue on in Mikes truck.

16:43 - Navajo reservation, Little Colorado Overlook

High above and north of confluence Colorado River and Little Colorado River, opposite Cape Solitude. Also stop to see wreckage of crashed airliners along the way.

17:30 - Navajo reservation

Setup camp, recharge Jornada with solar cells, eat dinner, watch stars come out again. Nice view of young cresent Moon. Mike and I stay up later and see space station again. Listen to music and go to bed.

Morning sun on Chemehuevi Point

Anasazi ruin along the South Bass Trail

Bass water holding tank

Desert assortment

Remains of crashed airliner - opposite river from Chuar Butte

The confluence from reservation opposite Cape Solitude

Mike checking out the view

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Copyright © Bob Ribokas, 1994-2025, all rights reserved. This publication and its text and photos may not be copied for commercial use without the express written permission of Bob Ribokas.