The next morning the ankle did not look any better but it also did not look any worse. Robin wanted to try hiking out on it and thought she could do it if she just took her time. So we headed back up the trail at a snail's pace and took most of the morning to get back to the rim. We got an early start and we were in the shade for most of the way and it was nice and cool. This was a good thing. We finally got back to the rim around 11:00 but we still had the problem that our car was parked 6 miles away at Grandview Point. I found Robin a nice place to rest and dropped everything except my canteen and started the walk back to Grandview.
I only got about 2 miles before I got picked up. A park ranger heading towards Desert View turned around as he passed me and then drove back up behind me to ask what was going on. He was actually looking for another hiker who had been reported missing and I guess he was hoping that I was him. After I explained our situation he offered to drive me the rest of the way back to Grandview Point. I like rangers.
So I got the car and then drive back to pickup Robin and then we headed back into the village to look for a place to stay. There was nothing available either in Grand Canyon Village or in Tusayan and we ended up going all the way to Williams to get a room for the night. The saga continues in the next trip report.

Camp, Sweet, Camp

Morning from camp, Red Canyon Trail

Miniature erosion features in Coconino

Coronado Butte, Red Canyon Trail