Map for day 13

Day 12
Today is our last day on the river. We have French toast, bacon and melon for breakfast along with left-over cake from the party the night before. The Kiwis do the Haka again so that Fabry can video tape it. There is a very somber mood about camp this morning and no one is anxious to take to the river today. After we eat breakfast, pack up the rafts for the last time and then we spend some time taking group photos.
We travel with Fabry for the last ride down the river. After a few miles floating downstream and we see Diamond Peak looming ahead of us in the distance and shortly after that we are at the take-out at Diamond Creek around 9 a.m. It only takes about an hour to break down the rafts and get everything packed onto the truck and vans that will take us back to Flagstaff. It is very hot at Diamond Creek and it is still early. The road from Diamond Creek to Peach Springs is a bumpy, hellish ride and I am very glad when I finally see pavement ahead. We make one rest stop along the way and then arrive at Flagstaff around 2 p.m.
After the best shower I've ever had, Robin and I head over to old town for a stroll. It is very strange being in a city again, even a small city like Flagstaff, after being in the Canyon for almost two full weeks.
Later that evening we all get together at Marc's Cafe Americain for a farewell dinner. Kurt is the only member of the guide crew to join. The food is great and people have a wonderful time but there is definitely a hint of sadness in the air at the trip finally being over. Some of us talk about getting together in 1999 to do a 5-day trip on the Middle Fork of the Salmon River in Idaho. Kurt has rowed this trip before and highly recommends it.

Day 12