Friday, April 22, 2005
I was hoping to get some nice shots of the buttes around Sedona but the weather did not cooperate at all. The sky was a milky-white overcast all day and there were no shadows to speak off and all of the colors were muted. I did a little shopping in Sedona but did not stay long.
I headed down towards Cottonwood and Tuzigoot National Monument and hoped for the best there. I took some photos but again... not the best shooting conditions at all. Yet, I had never been to Tuzigoot and it was nice to see.
On the way to Tuzigoot I noticed signs for the Verde Canyon Railroad and it was not very far away so I went to check that out since I love trains. I was hoping to see an old steam engine there but that was not to be the case and they had a couple of antique diesel engines hitched up at the front of the train. I had some things I needed to do back at the house in Flagstaff later in the day so I did not have time to actually ride the train and I just wandered around the grounds and took some photos.

Metates - Tuzigoot National Monument, Clarkdale, Arizona

Walls and ceiling timbers inside ruin - Tuzigoot National Monument, Clarkdale, Arizona

Horned lizard - Tuzigoot National Monument, Clarkdale, Arizona

Verde Canyon Railroad - Clarkdale, Arizona

Ore cars, Verde Canyon Railroad - Clarkdale, Arizona

Track and flowers, Verde Canyon Railroad - Clarkdale, Arizona