Grand Canyon Pioneers Society - Monthly Bulletin - August 1998 |
Meet at 11:00 AM at Jerome State Historic Park (formerly the Douglas Mansion built in 1916)
Entrance Fee: $2.50 per person
Tour lasts 1 to 1-1/2 hours.
Car pool to the heart of Jerome for lunch at the Jerome Grille. Parking is scarce in town. Shop the local antique and tourist shops. Bring water or something cool to drink as it might be warm. Hat and sunglasses are also recommended. Parking in the heart of Jerome is scarce, that is why we recommend car pooling from the Historic Park.
Dan and Diane Cassidy
Five Quail Books - West
P.O. Box 9870
Phoenix, AZ 85068-9870
Dear Editor
Since it's been such a privilege to have spent so many years living, working, and ‘playing' in and around the Grand Canyon, I can't help but wonder why I merit being honored by the Pioneer Society with the beautiful plaque Jim Ohlman presented me with at the Shoshone Point picnic.
How can I give adequate acknowledgment of it when I'd spent those years having the time of my life involved with the activities it mentioned,-and loving it all?
I humbly and gratefully thank you all, especially Lee Albertson, Bill Suran and the Board members who were responsible for the decisions and work involved.
Gale Burak
Dear Editor:
When I asked her daughter (Barbara Lajoi) about her mother, Barbara McKee's favorite organization, yours stood out.
The enclosed check is in Memory of Barbara McKee, a lady it was our privilege to know , love and respect.
Sage and Guy Chaney
Clearwater, Fla.
Dear Edwin,
Very good newsletter. Enjoyed reading about Barry Goldwater. He was someone I greatly admired. Carol and I met Barry on several occasions, and he was responsible for our son's nomination to the US Naval Academy. Also, I have collected all of his books, that have been personally autographed to me. I value this collection a great deal. I joined the Young Republicans in 1964 and was involved in the Northern Arizona campaign. I was so disappointed by his defeat that I made a vow to never get involved in politics again. I've done fairly well.
Carol and I will be out of town for the July trip, but are looking forward to Jerome and Tuweep. Have you read "Ghosts of Cleopatra Hill?" Very interesting book about Jerome.
Enjoyed seeing you at the picnic. Too short a day.
See you in Jerome, Ron.
This story appeared in a recent issue of The Arizona Highways Magazine.
It seems a Catholic Priest and a Presbyterian minister died and met St.Peter at the pearly Gates. "Gentleman, go over to the review desk, and our angel will evaluate your earthly records." St. Peter said. Shortly thereafter another man arrived at the gates. "Good morning Sir. What did you do while on earth?" "I led the mule trains down to the bottom of Grand Canyon." "Great!" St. Peter exclaimed "Welcome to heaven. Come on in."
Hearing this, both the priest and the reverend were perplexed. "How come," the priest wanted to know. "We who have labored all our days for the Lord need to have our records reviewed while you welcomed this mule skinner directly into heaven." "Gentlemen," replied St. Peter, "That mule skinner has scared the hell out of more people than both of you put together."
George R. Cox, Globe, Az.
Carolyn Austin, Grand Canyon, Az.
Dortha E. Bosley, Glendale, Az.
August 15 : Jerome - led by Dan Cassidy.
September 12-13 : Overnight trip to Toroweap Point, North Rim, Grand Canyon, led by Gene Wendt.
October 17 : Annual meeting
November : To be announced
December : No meeting
If any of our members or readers have a suggestion for a trip or outing, contact Lee Albertson
And what has that to do with the Pioneers, the Cookie Jar, or for that matter, anything else? Well, actually, nothing except that every now and then a word pops into my mind (when I let it idle) and I have to resort to the dictionary. So that's what happened and that's what I found.
I know I read it some place. Something like that couldn't just come to mind, could it? And what could I have been reading? This is the sort of thing I puzzle over - - - silly? stupid? or intelligent? inquiring? You name it.
The month of August brings on summer vacation, visitors, heat, laziness, - - yeah, that's it! I am hit by laziness and my mind is out to lunch and this is my doppel or maybe my ganger writing. And after that unlikely introduction I should shut up, but, no, not me.
I got to thinking about attending the meetings of the Pioneers. I used to feel I had to go to all of them, but then, our Prez. Jim, came to my rescue and stated that none of us should feel obligated to be at each one. There are more or less visiting or social meetings, i.e. where we have a speaker and are shut inside during the winters, or the annual picnic. And there are ones that require action such as the hiking ones. I might be able to attend them, but who would carry me? Then when he gave me that "out" I wanted to go to the one in July to the cabin on the North Rim. Well, I didn't and now I wonder what I missed. That's the way it goes, isn't it? But Bob Ribokas has come to the fore with a chat room on E-Mail. Those of us who are privileged (and I wonder sometimes about that selection of words) to have E-Mail can now meet with the rest of us with the same modern medium. And we can visit. At least, that's what they tell me. We haven't tried it yet, but since Bill has spent a bunch to be able to get onto it I'm sure we will. He's contacting Bob now and will issue instructions as soon as he knows.
And now he tells me that it isn't e-mail at all - it's just getting onto the INTERNET. What do I know?
Sibyl Suran
Hi, Fellow members of the GCPS:
Bob Ribokas has set up a chat room on his "Grand Canyon Explorer Page" that is linked to the "Grand Canyon Pioneers Page." This will enable members to connect to other members and chat with one another. This is not an e-mail or a message board and the party you wish to chat with must be on-line also. You can arrange this by setting up a time for everyone interested and have quite a discussion.
To do this (if you are not computer literate) the procedure is as follows:
Open the "Grand Canyon Explorer Page" at www.kaibab.org or "The Grand Canyon Pioneers Page" http://www.kaibab.org/gcps/gc_gcps.htm and click on the "Chat Room" button.
The first time you do this it will take a while to load and set up. You may see some messages across the bottom of the screen that say, "Loading Java" or something to that effect. After the program is loaded, a box will appear on the screen and in the center of the screen two white boxes and a white line at the bottom appears. The biggest box on the left is where the messages appear. In the small box to the right is where the names of those on the current set-up will appear. The bottom white line is where you type your message. None of this will work until you connect to the chat room server.
Across the top of the white boxes are some Icons. The first icon that looks like a pair of computer cables joined together is the connect button. Clicking on this will let you enter the chat room. A box will appear asking for your nickname and the name of the chat server and room. Type in your name or nickname on the first line. Type nothing on the second line (leave it as is). On the third line type "gcps" then click OK. This done, a bunch of stuff appears in the big box (ignore it) and the smaller box will list your name and all the names that are connected to the GCEP or the GCPS chat room at the time.
Type your message in the long narrow box across the bottom, then click on the first button to the right of your message. This is the "Enter" button, and your message will then appear in the big box above it and will read like this, "Bill says: Good morning Bill/Tom/Dick/Harry." or whoever is on-line at the time.
The second button is a "whisper button". If what you say is directed to one or more certain persons, click on the names in the names list above to whom you want to direct the message, and then click the "whisper" button. Something like this will appear in the big box "Bill whispers to Tom". Be sure you select the names you wish to whisper to before you click the whisper button or it goes to everyone.
The third button is a think button and will cause something like the following to be posted: "Bill thinks: I am sleepy".
The final button is an action button and just sends a message like;"Bill scratches his nose".
To disconnect from the chat room and the server, click the second button from the left at the top of the chat room window (the one with the two cables coming apart).