Home page of Bob Ribokas |
Visit BobsPixels Digital Photography web site at http://www.BobsPixels.com.
I am a programmer / analyst currently employed by Boston College. I work primarily with Oracle databases and the Oracle Application Express (APEX) developer environment. Most of my development work is done in SQL and PL/SQL but since APEX is used for developing web-based applications I also get to dabble in HTML and Javascript quite a bit.
Before coming to Boston College I was employed by The Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Department of Industrial Accidents. At my position there I was also working primarily with Oracle databases and the Oracle Developer toolset: mostly Oracle Application Express (APEX) but also some Oracle Developer Forms and Oracle Developer Reports. Languages used were SQL, PL/SQL, HTML and Javascript. I was also the developer and main support person for the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) environment while at that position.
Before to going to work for The Commonwealth of Massachusetts I was employed by HCL Technologies where I started working in July, 2006. Prior to that I worked as a software developer, system analyst and portfolio analyst at Teradyne, Inc. in Boston, Massachusetts. I started working at Teradyne in 1983 and worked there for almost 23 years, until my job was finally outsourced... to HCL. I got outsourced with it... for a while.
I was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts and I now live in Weymouth, Massachusetts with my wife and better half, Robin, our four three two one three cat(s)s, and some odd number of tropical fish. Check out my friends and family photo album to see some of the people, past & present, who are responsible for making me what I am. I also have a little page on the IBM 1130 computer if you're interested in seeing how I got started in all of this computer geek-type stuff.
During my free CPU cycles I do a lot of net-surfing, web-crawling and coding of HTML for the Grand Canyon Explorer web site. I also do a some coding using PHP and MySQL these days for both my personal photography web site, BobsPixels Digital Photography, and also some enhancements to my Grand Canyon Explorer web site, mostly in the area of the trip reports.
I am really quite happy with my present position but I might be persuaded to leave it if something interesting became available in the Northern Arizona, Southern Utah, or the Four Corners area. Everyone has their price and mine is the Grand Canyon... I admit it, I am addicted. I find the whole concept of telecommuting extremely interesting and if I could live somewhere out there and work anyplace else via computer and modem, well, I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
In September, 1998 we went to Hawaii for a two week vacation with some friends. The photos from that trip can be found here. Check out the photos from my new toy at that time, a Nikon CoolPix 900 digital camera. It's amazing how stuff gets so old so quick on the Net. The Nikon CoolPix 900 met an untimely demise by falling into a creek in the Grand Canyon. It was replaced with a Nikon CoolPix 950 and then a Nikon CoolPix 4500. I still have that CoolPix 4500 but now I've also gone through Nikon D70 and D80 digital SLRs and currently enjoy working with both a D200 and a D90.
If you live in New England and like to hike, check out my White Mountain Explorer.
I am of Lithuanian descent (100%, both sides) and very proud of it. After years of occupation and ruthless oppression against Lithuania and Lithuanians nothing made me happier than to see that "evil empire" (the only two words ever spoken by President Reagan said that I ever agreed with), the Soviet Union, crumble to dust. Lithuania has finally started to recover from these years of oppression and even has a presence on the World Wide Web.
Here are links for some servers in Lithuania:
Vilnius University
US State Department: Travel information for Lithuania
US State Department: Human rights in Lithuania
CIA World Factbook Entries for Lithuania
A map of Lithuania
Some of my other activities are:
Of all of these places Singapore is probably my favorite. It is a fantastic place to visit as long as you don't break the law. I don't think I could ever live there though, as some of the laws are a bit on the strange side, but then again, it appears to work for them.
In 1980, Carl Sagan and Bruce Murray founded
The Planetary Society
to encourage the exploration of our solar system and the search for extraterrestrial life. We now number over 100,000 members around the world--the largest nongovernmental space organization on Earth.
The Smithsonian Institution
is beginning to make data and information accessible via the Internet. Several projects are being planned, including
a central server which would provide a Smithsonian Home Page and access to all the SI servers.
The mission of
The Nature Conservancy
is to preserve plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.
To date the Conservancy and its members have been responsible for the protection of more than 7.9 million acres in 50 states and Canada.
Sierra Club
The Wilderness Society
is the only national conservation organization that is devoted primarily to public lands protection and management
issues. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., The Society employs a combination of advocacy, analysis, and public education in its campaigns to improve management of America's national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, Bureau of Land Management lands, and other natural places.
National Parks and Conservation Association
(NPCA) is America's only private nonprofit citizen organization dedicated solely to protecting, preserving, and enhancing the U.S. National Park System. An association of "Citizens Protecting America's Parks," NPCA was founded in 1919 and today has more than 450,000 members.
Grand Canyon Trust
Grand Canyon Trust is dedicated to the conservation of the natural and cultural resources of the Colorado Plateau. We advocate an ecologically responsible and sustainable balance between resource use and preservation, along with the protection of areas of beauty and solitude, where people may find relief from the pace of civilization.
The Trust fosters and assists efforts of individuals, groups, communities and governments -- local, tribal, and federal -- to achieve this balance. To these ends the Trust employs science, economics, resource management, education, communication, and law. Our vision is of a region where generations of people and all of nature can thrive in productive harmony.
Grand Canyon Association
is a non-profit organization chartered in 1932 to assist the National Park Service in meeting
its visitor service and education goals at the Grand Canyon. Throughout its long history, GCA has contributed both funding and services to create educational programs, exhibits and publications, restore historical structures, and sponsor research and training.
Environmental Defense Fund
is a not-for-profit environmental advocacy group with
four main goals:
  (1) Stabilizing the Earth's climate,
    (2) Safeguarding the world's oceans,
      (3) Protecting human health, and
        (4) Defending and restoring biodiversity.